Sunday, April 22, 2012

What I Loved about being a Mom this week

We all know being a Mom isn't the easiest job in the World! Even though I often feel frustrated or discouraged most days, I take the time every Sunday to reflect on the small things that made me happy as a Mom that week. It's a great way for me to start the new week with love and gratitude. :)

1. Lila's obsession with this itsy bitsy "Hush Little Baby" book found at the local thrift store. She refuses to go to sleep at night if the book is not in her crib. If she can't find it she will hold her arms up and say, "Where ma bou?"

2. The boys' current love for all things Lego Star Wars.

One night we read in Andy's Lego Star Wars Encyclopedia Book and Luke became entranced by this scene with Hans Solo and Greedo. He said, "I'm going to make that in the morning!"

First thing in the morning he recreated the scene from memory, without ever opening the book. I love how Lego's inspire children to be creative.

3. The few moments they actually got along with each other!  :)

4. Watching Lila play happily on the front porch.

5.  Capturing a picture of this cute Toucan at the Tracy Aviary.

6. Seeing the excitement on Lila's face when she gets freedom from her stroller.

 7. Having an excuse to buy silver girly sandals with flowers on top...

8. A reminder that being the Mom to these 3 kids is the best job in the whole world!

Hope you had a great week!!

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