Wednesday, July 18, 2012

"Six Sticks" Craft

Have you read 6 Sticks by Molly Coxe? It is a darling beginning readers book about a pair of creative mice who discover lots of funny and wonderful things to create with six popsicle sticks. It is short and sweet but leaves room for lots and LOTS of discussion about what could be made with 6 sticks.

We decided to create our favorite scenes directly from the book but to add in my kids as the characters in the scene instead of the mice. The possibilities of what you could create with 6 popsicle sticks is endless though so this project would be fun just creating something unique, not from the book. This project took several days to complete, doing a little at a time. Here is how our artwork turned out.


Completed Project:


Completed Project (I painted the flags in this one):


Completed Project:

No tutorial on this craft for you, sorry. It was just way too involved to try to explain every detail...But I can tell you how fun and exciting it was to include EVERY detail in our pictures, from the speckled leaves and string wrapped around the swings, to the textured grass and paper bag headed monster. If anyone has any specific questions on how we did anything, just leave a question in the comments and I will get back to you, promise.

My kids thought it was such a  hoot using them in the pictures. I will have to try this more often because they loved it so much.

Happy Crafting!!

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