Sunday, May 20, 2012

What I Loved about Being a Mom this Week

(Every Sunday I try to reflect on some of the small things that made me happy as a Mom that week. It's a great way for me to start the new week with love and gratitude.)

I took a break from blogging last Sunday on Mother's Day to go visit my Mom and one of my Grandma's so I'm including that from last week too.  :)

1. Peanut Butter toast for breakfast with a heart drawn on it for Mother's Day from my boys. They definitely know the way to my heart.  :)

2. Super cute gifts from my boys on Mother's Day. Here is a little peek...

It's true folks...I wear sweats and earrings, and that really is a picture of me laying in my bed on my laptop putting stuff on my blog (except I don't have a mullet IRL). I am not perfect but they still love me anyways.  :)

Luke's little drawings melted my ♥.

So I'm beginning to realize the majority of my pictures taken during the week involve Lila. This will definitely change in the Summer when the boys are out of school but for now, she really is my little sidekick every day.

3. A free fun day at the Cal Ranch Store seeing all the baby chicks, turkeys and ducks.

4. Free ice cream at Dickey's...Yum!!

5. Lots and lots of games of Peek-a-boo (terrible picture taken on my phone).

6. These fun moments at our favorite park...

Chasing birds

Looking for Bugs

Cute smiles 

Brother and Sister moments

Small puddles to play in from the sprinklers

7. Seeing how much she wants to be a big girl.

This week we have Bugs, Father's Day gifts and making our Summer Bucket List on our agenda. It's going to be a good week, I can feel it!!  :)

What did you love about being a Mom this week??

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