Saturday, July 7, 2012

What I Loved about Being a Mom this Week

(Every week I try to reflect on some of the small things that made me happy as a Mom that week. It's a great way for me to start the new week with love and gratitude.)

1. How she loves to dress herself.

2. Late night games of Yahtzee with this handsome boy.

3. Outdoor fun at the Splash Park.

4. Dressing up in funny hats and glasses.

5. Dressing up in Winter coats and snuggling with Daddy.

6. Piggy Back Rides that bring big smiles.

7. Finding old boxes to play in.

8. Good old fashioned games of Rock, Paper, Scissors.

9. Finding love in our heart to add to our family...Meet Jack, our new Beagle.  :)

What what your favorite Mommy moment this week?

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