Monday, February 27, 2012
We picked up some books about Trains this past week at the library and after reading them we decided to embark on an adventure of making our very own train. My boys' main requirement was that it had to be a freight train so they could carry around some of their favorite toys in it.I instantly thought of two empty Velveeta...
Monday, February 27, 2012 by wiwik · 0
Sunday, February 26, 2012
This pretty little lady has been getting over having croup this week. Let's just say it's been "one of those weeks". You know the kind where miraculously your body somehow finds a way to live on practically no sleep and still manages to function all day long. The kind where you will not find an ounce of patience left in yourself and the...
Sunday, February 26, 2012 by wiwik · 0

This Giveaway is now closed. Congratulations to Comment #2, Jessica Potter, who is the winner of the Dear Son Keepsake Book.I have always wanted to create beautiful keepsake scrapbooks for my children but when it comes down to the craftiness of designing the pages, it's just not in my blood. I even have digital scrapbooking software but...
by wiwik · 0
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

It's Time to Mingle! Hosted by Happy Go Lucky, I Heart Crafty Things, Joy in the Jumble and Keeping Up With Kristi.Each week we will choose one blog at random to spotlight at the next week's blog hop.This weeks guest host is Measure Once, Cut TwiceThere are no rules to this blog hop. Just link up your blog's main page. ...
Wednesday, February 22, 2012 by wiwik · 0
A couple weekends ago it was Bald Eagle Day in Utah. There were five different locations throughout the State that you could go to view Bald Eagles. There were spotting scopes set up on Bald Eagles to get a good look and we arrived just in time to see a captive Eagle on display.My Brother, Sis-in-Law...
by wiwik · 0
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Luke was sitting next to me while I was on Pinterest the other day (I know, I know, great Mother/Son bonding time, right?!). He saw this Walrus craft as I was browsing and he decided his life would not be complete if we didn't make it. After two days of non-stop bugging me and a trip to the library, we not only made this adorable craft,...
Saturday, February 18, 2012 by wiwik · 0
Thursday, February 16, 2012

It's Time to Mingle! Hosted by Happy Go Lucky, I Heart Crafty Things, Joy in the Jumble and Keeping Up With Kristi.Each week we will choose one blog at random to spotlight at the next week's blog hop.This weeks guest host is Smarty Pants Fun There are no rules to this blog hop. Just link up your blog's main page. ...
Thursday, February 16, 2012 by wiwik · 0
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Valentine's Activities--How much is a Heart Worth, Broken Heart Alphabet Matchching Game, Heart Art, Making Valentine's
Happy Valentine's Day!! We've been having fun the last week doing some Valentine-inspired activities. I thought I'd just do one post about them. I picked up Clifford's Valentines at the library and Andy read it to us. After reading about how Clifford made his big Valentine, we decided to make some of our own.Every year...
Tuesday, February 14, 2012 by wiwik · 0
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