Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Angry Birds, the in real life way to play...
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So I've had this pinned in Pinterest the entire Summer and realized since September had hit, we better get playing before the temperatures dropped and the leaves start falling off the trees. I pinned it from No Time For Flashcards.
Now, just so can get an idea of how much my boys love the game Angry Birds, I am going to show what I found taped on their bedroom walls last week.
This is Andy's rendition of Angry Birds Rio above. Seriously, click to enlarge this picture. His details are amazing! And below is Luke's crazy birds.
So I know this is a little out there, but I decided since we are going to be learning about birds the next couple weeks, the best way to start out was to play a fun game about birds. We started by filling up a billion (ok, I think it was 66 in total) water balloons and drew angry bird faces on them. You can clearly see I am not an artist (haha) but you get the point.
Then the boys drew pigs all over our back patio. These are some of Luke's pigs.
Here are Andy's pigs. I know it's hard to make out in the picture, but they are all wearing crowns just like in the game. hahaha! This kid loves this game TOO much!
Andy even stacked his pigs up and drew bricks around them just like in the game.
After our game board was all complete, my boys had the time of their life destroying all the pigs with the angry bird water balloons. Here are some of the highlights.
I laugh every time I see Andy's face in this picture below watching his balloon in mid-flight. hahaha!
Luke throwing 2 angry birds at one time.
Yes, they really got into their game!
And those pigs....Obliterated!
It was the highlight of their day...And mine!!
Happy Crafting!

This post was written by: Franklin Manuel
Franklin Manuel is a professional blogger, web designer and front end web developer. Follow him on Twitter
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