Tuesday, September 13, 2011
The Best Thing in Life is....Family!
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I've been thinking a lot this week about how blessed I am to have a loving husband and such beautiful, sweet children. When I was a little girl when someone asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up, I always answered, "A Mom." Some people mocked the idea, thinking it wasn't a real career. There were times in Elementary School the teacher didn't allow me to choose that (I know, rude!), so I picked the second best thing I could think of, an Elementary School Secretary. Hahahaha! When I was a child being a Mom was the ULTIMATE, it was what I aspired to be more than anything.
Now that I'm here....There are days that I feel overwhelmed. There are days I feel like I'm ready to rip my hair out and I have absolutely no patience left inside me. There are days (ok, lots of days) that I struggle dragging my butt out of bed in the morning. In fact, I believe I could sleep for 24 hours straight if allowed the opportunity, just to get a little ounce of make up time from all the sleep I've missed in the last 7 years...But I've got to say how right I was when I was child. Hands down, being a Mom is the MOST rewarding thing I will ever do in this life. Being a Mom will give me more wisdom and knowledge than anything else I ever do in this life. Being a Mom really is the ULTIMATE!
We've had some pretty cool family time lately, and since my family is the BEST thing in my life, I think that's totally worthy of blogging about. My husband's new found hobby is astronomy. We stayed up late last week to take a peek at Jupiter through our new telescope. It was pretty amazing! Last week we took a trip to the Clark Planetarium with the kiddos. We didn't see any movies, but really, there is so much other free stuff there, why would we need to spend money on seeing a movie that Lila would scream through.
I love these planet displays they have set up. The kids could really get a good understanding of the size comparisons of the planets.
We also took a trip to "This is the Place" in the blistering afternoon heat. The boys had a fun horse ride...
And we learned how deathly afraid Lila is of goats...
Now she's trying to tell him who's boss!
Awww, the 3 handsome guys in my life....
The boys got to measure up to see how big they were compared to different birds.
My kids loved the Flamingos.
The owl was one of my favorites. Those eyes are pretty scary!
This peacock allowed Mark to get up close and personal and I loved this picture he got because the Peacock has such beautiful feathers.
I loved this bird pictured below. It reminded me of a dinosaur and quickly became Luke's favorite because of that.
Those eyelashes are to die for aren't they? This was such a neat bird to see.
The Golden Eagle was also definitely one of our favorites. We have spotted a few out in the wild in Sanpete County and they are such beautiful birds.
We loved the Tracy Aviary so much that we are going to dedicate the next two weeks to learning more about birds at our house. I hope you'll come by to see our fun bird crafts and activities in the next couple weeks!
PS- I'm being Featured over at Here Comes the Sun today for my Space-Themed Crafts. Hope you'll stop by and check out Kelly's fun blog!

This post was written by: Franklin Manuel
Franklin Manuel is a professional blogger, web designer and front end web developer. Follow him on Twitter
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