Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge
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We took a trip up north to visit some of my family on Monday and Tuesday and had planned on visiting the Bird Refuge while we were up there. They have a 12 mile loop you can drive through to see birds in the wild. Unfortunately, we found out it was closed for repairing the road this week. I was soooooo bummed! Even more so than the kids (hahaha)...Last time I was there (like almost 15 yrs ago), I remember being so amazed seeing pelicans swimming around, and I really wanted my kids to get that experience. Next time....
My Sister was so sweet though to watch Lila for me for a couple hours so I could still take the boys to the Visitors Center.
They had some pretty impressive displays inside that we enjoyed.
We found out Andy has the wingspan of a California Gull (our State Bird). I was a Bald Eagle but I'll spare you from sharing the picture so you won't be mortified by my saggy upper arms, hahaha LOL!
Luke wanted to see a Bald Eagle, and even though it was taxidermy, he got his wish. :)
We got to touch and feel some real feet....(Not for the squeamish)
Touching some Beaver fur...
Although not as impressive as alive and in the water, I got to see my Pelican . :)
Outside the visitors center is a 1/2 mile walking trail along the wetlands. We saw some bird nests.
We spotted this little guy...
We heard lots of frogs and toads and saw some jump in the water.
Other than seeing one duck flying overhead, there were no birds in sight...But it was educational and we still had fun!!

This post was written by: Franklin Manuel
Franklin Manuel is a professional blogger, web designer and front end web developer. Follow him on Twitter
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